Community Moderated Weekly Challenges

Our weekly challenges have been a very successful and fun addition to the Pixoto community.  We’ve had thousands of photographers from all over the globe participate.  We are now inviting our community members (that’s you) to get involved as “Guest Moderators”.  Guest moderators will:

  • Decide on the specifics of the challenge
  • Be featured in the blog (headshot, bio, link to profile)
  • Be featured in the email (50,000+ recipients)
  • Disqualify entries that do not meet their criteria
  • Secure sponsored prizes (optional)

If you’re interested in becoming a guest moderator please send an email with your proposal to [email protected] with the following information:

  • Your name
  • A link to your profile
  • A description of the challenge you would like to moderate
  • Why you think you are qualified to moderate this challenge
  • The category of the challenge
  • A list of rules for the challenge
  • Sponsored prizes (see below) – optional

In general we want challenges to be something that can be accessed by a wide group of photographers so that we can get maximum participation.  So try to keep challenges to something that anyone can try.

We will give away one PRO account to the winner of the weekly challenge.  In addition, to make your offering more attractive to our members, you can secure prizes from companies hoping to market to our members.  Sponsors must contribute at least $750 worth of prizes but will receive fantastic exposure to Pixoto’s community of high-end camera toting members.  Past sponsors have received as much as 1500 clicks to their web sites and exposure to 50,000+ photographers.  A 300×250 banner ad is required from the sponsor.  Potential sponsors may contact me (jason at for additional information.  Having a sponsor will help make your proposal more attractive – but is not a requirement.

Thanks for helping make Pixoto great!


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